Tuesday, September 13, 2016

We love getting messy with finger paints!

Again, it's been a week since I lasted posted and again I apologize i've been crazy babysitting and still looking for more jobs in September. If you need a night off for evening dinner or whatnot. I charge $12 an hour, I bring all sorts of fun activities for all ages so please ask me sometime. Thanks!

As intended when finger painting with toddlers you know it's going to get messy, but they are learning and exploring the process and that's just so much fun to watch! But then when you start preparing for cleanup there's always a few that have to take on body painting. 

And then when they finally realize that the fun has ended it's kinda of sad to to hear them cry when we have to get cleaned up. Which means that we have to give them a quick sponge bath in the sink, getting dried off and falling asleep on the changing table. 

Our Cutest Moments:

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