Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Venturing out into the snow with the toddlers!

We explored outside today. Half of the class loved the snow, the other half couldn't move and just wanted to go back inside! They were pretty bundled up. It was a lot colder than than it was this morning. It took Miss Sarah and I almost 30 minutes to get everyone bundled up and we were probably outside for five minutes!

So we come back inside after chasing a few toddlers that decided they wanted to be in the snow longer come into the hallway trying to undress all of them which most were now crying because they were cold, tired and cranky! And during the process of doing this. This is what Gavin decided to do. Now mind you I had this paint underneath another box that was covered up. But Gavin loves paint so just look to see what happens next!

                        Our Cutest Moments:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Every child is an artist!

My toddlers love painting with water colors! It's messy but they will actually paint for 15 minutes and that is a record! Great for fine motor too! I'm so proud that they all used their paint brush's and no fighting over their paints!

Since some of the Baby Bears forgot to bring in their snow pants, we decided again to bring the snow indoors, this time we used bowls, muffin tins and plates with the snow! They had fun trying to serve us the snow! As you can see we still have quite a bit of eaters!

They also learned that you can only play in the snow if they wear their mittens. Once they came off, they had to go somewhere else, they didn't like that very much! So I'm guessing that when we do go out and explore they will leave them on!

Our Cutest Moments:

 My Grandma showing off her new shirt I got her!

Friday, November 22, 2013

We LOVE Sensory Play!!!

So, who would have known that if you use cranberry sauce and cornstarch mixed together it made play-dough. It looked gooey but it really was not, and they loved it. Smelled good too. Not a lot of tasters but it was safe for them to eat if so!

Since it snowed, and no one brought in their snow gear. We decided to bring it inside. I put little cars in the tubs, so they could drive them around. They loved it!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Finger painting with lotion!!!

Well... we started to use purple paint for marble painting but while I was getting their papers ready. Gavin decided to start a little early. I looked over to see Gavin's face, arms and the counter and floor covered in purple paint. And Gavin's face was his punishment himself. He was very ashamed.

Here's the picture we got of the incident, I think he really just wanted a morning bath!

So instead of using our purple paint, we just tossed it and decided to finger paint with lotion. It was actually better because that way they could paint themselves with the lotion. And they also took really good naps today!

Our Cutest Moments:

I have to share the clip, I haven't heard Jack's laugh in awhile!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Getting ready for Thanksgiving!

              Art we have done this week so far!

                        Our Cutest Moments:

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Muffins and Fine Motor!


You'll Need....
  • 1 Teaspoon baking powder                                    
  • 1 Cup Plain Flour
  • 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/3 Cup Grated Sweet Potato
  • 1/3 Cup Grated Carrot
  • 1/2 Cup Grated pumpkin 
  • 2 Eggs (lightly beaten)
  • 1/4 Cup Oil (Vegetable or Canola)
Now you need to....

Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl and then make a well in the center
Add sugar, eggs, grated veggies and oil and combine well.

Spoon mixture into a greased mini muffin (or large if you prefer) tin and bake for 15-20 mins in a moderate oven (180 Celsius).

Leave in the tin for 10 mins before turning out onto a rack to cool.

Some fun DIY Games for Toddlers!

Some of the Art we created this week.. Our theme's were Bears!

These two books, my toddlers can sit through the entire book. We love these books, and we could always ask for more for our classroom. Well loved books!!!

We worked on painting these with a paint brush, I think they did pretty good!!!

They love to finger paint!!!

One of the favorite things they enjoy doing is using "glue" supervised of course, I let them glue down fabric leaves to paper and let them pat them down.

Our Cutest Moments:

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Indoor fun!

The weather hasen't been terrible yet, but it's been very windy and chilly some mornings or afternoons I haven't been taking the Baby Bears outside. With some of them with not great hats or mittens I don't want them to get sick. So we've been creating our own indoor fun.

We have a lot of climbers right now. So we had a lot of fun climbing and crawling through tunnels and going down slides!

Here they are working on their problem solving skills. It is fun watching them learn as they do them over and over till they get it right!

Our Cutest Moments: