Friday, July 22, 2016

Double the fun birthdays!

               Today we celebrated Brooks and Brody's birthday. They turned 2 whoo hoo! Miss Beth and everyone in the center sang happy birthday to the boys during bible time. It's funny how shy they get in front of large crowds. 

Since these boys share the same day I decided to split up their birthday parties. We had Brody's in the morning and Brooks party this afternoon. Brody sister got to enjoy celebrating with us for snack time. Thanks for bringing in the fruit pizza, it was a yummy morning snack!

After snack time we opened the first round of presents. I normally buy gifts under a theme since Brody is our little chef during playtime he got the food themed gifts. They were a hit with everyone as we played with his new toys and had Brody serve us some meals.

They were worn out so naptime was quickly after lunch, some of them could barely stay awake during lunch time I was hoping they would all take good naps for our busy afternoon I had planned but that didn't really happen and they woke up 30 minutes earlier.

Brooks brought in dinosaur cookies for his birthday treats, the toddlers loved them and they talked about them all through snack even fought over saying the name dinosaur. They were delicious and we enjoyed a cup of milk to go with it! Another clip of birthday fun!

Watching my toddlers open up their presents is always so fun to watch and it's amazing how they can rip into the paper like they've been doing it all week. It was fun to see how excited they get when they found out there was something beneath the paper. Brooks received zoo animals and a book along with his froggy stuffed animal. It was such a popular toy Brooks had a hard time reaching into the bucket before his friends did.

It's not everyday we watch short clips on the tablet, especially watching and listening to birthday songs on it. They were memorized by the singing minion. 

Our Cutest Moments:

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