Saturday, July 2, 2016

Under the Sea

Our naptime is from 12pm to about 2ish, but most of the time our little ones fall asleep before that. Lately our two year olds are the ones that have been giving us some trouble. Some of my skills must have rubbed off on Max because he was my naptime assistant today!

We've been talking a lot about the Ocean this week, especially Nemo and his fish. On Wednesday we explored shells and we tried listening to the ocean. I told them we should call Nemo so the next time your toddler holds up a shell don't be surprised if they start saying "hello, Nemo"

On Thursday we painted our little Nemo fish Orange, they did pretty well getting them all covered in orange paint. 

On Friday we pinched, squeezed and explored playdough with shells. 

Our Cutest Moments:

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