Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sleepy Days

 It's funny with these younger toddlers I now have I'm not used to having half my class fall asleep before lunch. We've let some of our toddlers take a morning snooze but we've realized that some of them won't sleep then during our long nap after lunch. So if your little one falls asleep just know after 20 minutes we will wake them up. The first few weeks will be tiring on them since we do a lot of different activities throughout the day!

We took our toddler pictures, I love taking pictures and take more pictures of my toddlers than my family so you know that I love what I do! Every picture I ever take you will get a copy and at the end of the year when they move up to the two year old classroom you will get a dvd slideshow of all the pictures I ever take of your child. 

Our Cutest Moments:

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