Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Preview of our Valentines!

Today we took many pictures of the toddlers in their Valentine Day Gear. Most of them liked it, some of them hated it. Here's just a preview of what we took. I'll have these up in the next week or two on our door for the month of February.

Some fun art we did this week!

                      Our Cutest Moments:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dollar Store Sensory Project.

OK, So I'm one of those people that can't just stop working. I'm always looking up fun and creative things to do with my class of toddlers.

The good news you can get it all at the Dollar Store. Which is my favorite store to get supplies. You'll need foam paper found in the school isle, A paint brush dipped in a glass of water. Then next just cut fun shapes from the paper any designs you want. Paint the window with your paint brushed dipped in water. The toddlers are good at that! Then let them paste their cutouts to the windows.

Sounds fun right! We will get to try this next week. February, we will learn about the color "Red".

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pajama Party and Glow fun!

The Baby Bears looked so cute in their pajamas's on Friday! I wanted to get a picture of every child in their jammies but my camera ended up dying. They really enjoyed reading their books on the sleeping bag that I brought in. Who knew it would be a such big hit!

The glow sticks that I brought in, they loved. They moved them around so fast it was hard to get good pictures. Next time I think we'll try putting them in pop bottles like I've seen on Pinterest.

                      Our Cutest Moments:

Bears Lesson Plan

Baby Bears Lesson Plan



Music and movement

This Little Light Of Mine Bible Song

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Turn Around

B.I.B.L.E. Song
Listening to Classical music and getting lotion body massages
Playing Instruments and Parading around the room

Arts and Sensory

Cotton Ball Polar Bears

Teddy Bear Footprint

Finger Painting a Brown Bear Coloring Sheet

Cookie Cutter Bear Art
Finger Painting with Chocolate Pudding

Language Development
Polar Bear,
Polar Bear,
What Do You Hear?
Introduce the color “BROWN”

Pointing to it
Brown Bear,
Brown Bear,
What do you See?

Clifford Visits the Zoo

Winnie the Pooh Book

Motor Development

Weather permitting going outside to play

Putting our shoes and socks on

Drinking out of cups, feeding self with spoons

Going on a walk in the gym with buddy rope

Crawling like a Bear around the room

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Our Cutest Moments Movie!!!

Here is just some of the toddlers showing off their cutest moments!

Note: There is a clip of Ellie eating something white just f.y.i. it is salt from an art project.

Hope you enjoy the movie, just some of their cutest moments I combined!

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Clean and Messy Art!!!

I love the penguin feet we created last week. I think they turned out so darn cute! :)

Since the Baby Bears have been pretty good at not eating our paints while painting this month. We decided it was a good time to finger paint with shaving cream. We debated about taking their pants off, but it was a good thing we did. As you can see they painted everywhere!

My favorite art we do is marble painting in a pan. The toddlers practice rolling it back and fourth. It's really messy! I'll post the finished product tomorrow, it was a little too wet today to hang up!

Mason and Matthew had some fun dropping toys into the the box that Miss Joyce let us have. Thanks!


                       Our Cutest Moments:

Monday, January 20, 2014

Goodnight Moon Lesson Plan

I love the book Goodnight Moon and so do my toddlers. This week we will be learning about the Moon as much as you can implement it for toddlers. I have some fun activities planned. And a Pajama Day for this Friday! Should be a good week!

Goodnight Moon

Music and movement

Kids Tunes
Bubbles Go POP, POP,POP!

Chasing Bubbles around the room

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Finger Play!

Listening to Classical Music Today!

Glow in the dark fun with glow sticks
Arts and Sensory

Free Art with Miss Molly

White chalk on black paper  

Finger Painting with Shaving Cream

Moon Footprint

Marble rolling in paint tub

Language Development

Reading Story Books

Bible Time in Gym with Miss Nancy

Reading Goodnight Moon Story Book

Welcome Clapping Song!

Who’s Here today?

Group Time singing ABC’s and 123’s
Motor Development

Playing outside weather permitting

Placing Star Stickers on paper

Building with Blue and White Blocks

Connecting Linking toys

Kitchen and toy dishes

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Messy Play Friday!!!

 Today during art and sensory time, Miss Emily suggested we painted with string. So we did, it was a lot of fun, I had never done it before and I think we will do again in the near future. However it is very messy! We had to have a few sponge baths in the sink.

Later in the afternoon, I had planned water play with polar bears and whales, but I couldn't find those toys. So instead I decided that we would paint with water, they really enjoyed that! It was also fun to teach them how to hold their paint brushes. I also got a chance to have my foam mats cleaned from all the splashing of water.

Our theme for arctic animals turned out pretty good! We did a lot of fun things based upon the different activities. Here's some of the art we did this week!

                         Our Cutest Moments: