Monday, January 13, 2014

January Arctic Animals Lesson Plan

 Sometimes I struggle with coming up with lesson plans based upon my already 2 year old's and the younger toddlers in my class. But here is what I've created for this week.

Artic Animals

Music and movement

ABC’s Song in Circle Time

Shake Our Sillies Out!

Bubble Wrap Happy Feet Dancing
Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow!
Bubble, Bubble POP! With Bubbles
Arts and Sensory

Free Art with Miss Molly
Painting with white paint on blue paper

Penguin Footprints
Make ice caves
w/ watercolors
and salt

Whale Footprint
Language Development
Bible Time in Gym with Miss Nancy
Counting, How many friends
Are in our room?
Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear?

The Snowy Day Book

Noah’s Ark Flap Book
Motor Development

Going outside to play in snow

Washing our hands in cold water

Lotion finger painting on aluminum foil

Build with blue Duplo blocks

Animals in water sensory table

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