Can't believe it's almost March, where did February go? We have a new teacher in our room. Her name is also Molly. The toddlers are pretty confused now when I ask them who Molly is, or go give this to molly. They look for the other Miss Molly.
She is really doing great working in the toddler room. The kids love her interacting with them!
Since this week has been so cold, we are unable to go outside. We've brought snow inside to play with this week, but for now we've been playing on our soft climbers in the classroom. Which they still love!
The Baby Bears really love painting with bingo dabbers. And do a really good job of holding onto them and dabbing their papers. Again no one tried eating them today. Good Job! We are progressing!
Since they were a little too creative, some of it got on the table during art time, so they were good helpers and washed the table, including the chairs!
This afternoon we got a little crazy with the streamers. They loved wrapping each other in them. I might have helped just a little!
Our Cutest Moments:

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