I switched up my room again, it's good to change it up every couple of months! I also switched out the old books for some new ones.
We had a really small group today, consisted of having a total of four toddlers, we had five I sent one of the younger two year olds to the 2's room to play for a little bit. I took the toddlers outside to play this morning, was a challenge getting all four of them in their snow gear and actually out the door all together. But they did really well listening, although I can't say the same for Bible this morning. That was awful. I think we were the loudest of crier's that had to leave early.
We were supposed to finger paint with purple vanilla pudding today, but there was no way I was going to do that without another teacher. We have some runners in this group, and I didn't want the whole room to be sticky. So we will save that for tomorrow!
This was the high light of the day, I bought Animal and Transportation Magnets to stick on the magnetic cupboard and I even brought out cookie trays. They had fun transferring them to the different cookie sheets, I even caught one toddler sticking them in the oven of their little kitchen. I guess he knows what a cookie sheet really is!

Our Cutest Moments:
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