Monday, May 19, 2014

Spaghetti with Lemon and Parmesan

1 cup cream
3 cups finely grated Parmesan/Pecorino cheese
juice and rind of one lemon
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons freshly chopped parsley
salt and fresh black pepper to taste
1lb spaghetti, cooked and 1 cup of cooking water reserved

Combine all the sauce ingredients and mix well.

Toss with the cooked spaghetti and add some of the reserved cooking water to loosen it up a bit if necessary.

I just made this tonight, as I've been running around doing errands all day. I've already spent $100 on my sister's Bachelorette stuff and I'm not even done. I'm getting a little nervous too, because I put down a deposit of $250 for Pole Dancing and so far out of the 15 people I invited only 4 have RSVP back to me. So prayers I can get a refund or we might have to switch things up a bit.

On the good note, I finished my sister's wedding toast I'll be giving, might post it later going to have to edit it up a bit. I also bought $20 worth of stuff for the water tables to use for our toddlers this June. Hopefully we might be able to use them this week if it gets nice out at all. I'm excited to say we are getting two new toddlers moving up from the Infant Room this week! 

I feel as though May is literally flying by,  and I have so much stuff to get done. I created a new lesson plan for our toddler room, it will be posted on our bulletin board and out in the gym outside our classroom. I hope you all enjoy it, I put a lot of planning into the upcoming themes for the upcoming months. 

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