Thursday, June 11, 2015

Summer Time Fun!

May I ask for some prayers for my Dad, he is having an emergency prostate surgery Friday morning and I am not able to get off of work. I would appreciate some prayers of a good outcome. Thanks!
The toddlers and two year olds and their swim day together because it was so hot outside! They actually stayed out of each other's ways. It was more the older two's helping the younger ones which was really cute to watch.
Summer Love...
We are working on the sign "At Work"; Hailey picked up on the sign for "work" in just one day. I am so proud of her! We work on this sign throughout the day. Come see me for the full sign if you would like to learn it.
We work on sign language throughout the day and at our group time in the mornings. Signing also helps them transition to the two year old classroom because Miss Beth does a lot of signing with her kids along with using the correct words.
These two keep me on my toes during the day...
Our favorite song except when I go to record it they just stare at me, oh well at least their all so cute!

 Our Cutest Moments:


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