Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Water Babies!

Tuesdays will now become our swim days. The Baby Bears love water, and love getting me wet upon many splashes and lots of giggles!
The downfall of water days is it makes them so sleepy that they start melting as soon as we enter into the classroom. We placed all of them in one corner of the room to contain all the crying and tantrums. Thankfully the only thing that makes the crying stop is me playing classical music.
Art and Sensory today, they love when I paint their hands...
In your child's cubby you will find a goodbye letter from Miss Abbie. She is leaving us and is  going back to her hometown to live and work. We will miss her dearly, she is a great friend and I know I will miss working with such a hardworking teacher. I am in the process of making her a DVD of pictures of the kiddo's. Please also send me your emails so I can to send you a copy as well.
 Our Cutest Moments:


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