Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Chocolate Crossiants

Tonight I was in the mood for something sweet so I made a cup of coffee while these were baking. It's the easiest dessert to make and it tastes so good I might not have any left by the end of the week.
I just followed the instructions for the baking the premade croissants, then I placed as many chocolate chips as I wanted on them and rolled them up and baked them for 11 minutes. They turned out perfect!
Today I took my toddlers outside to play in the sprinkler and swimming pools. I even filled up the pools early this morning so the water would be warmer. Who would have guessed that on all the days I decided to take them out it would be chilly out. We maybe spent 25 minutes playing before they all started shivering so we headed back inside. Maybe we'll try again tomorrow.

 Our Cutest Moments:


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