Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Fun!

 We celebrated Alice's birthday today! She officially moved up to the two year old room on Monday however today we still got to hang out with her for a little bit to help her celebrate her special day. We sang her happy birthday and watched her open up her birthday gift.
We stamped with different shapes using our stamp pads.
I've been teaching my toddlers how to dance with one another, I think they got it!
Our three year old friends found a giant toad on their playground yesterday they thought they would share it with us for a little bit. The toad was as big as they were and they weren't' quite sure it was really a toad...
Our Cutest Moments:



Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Learning our shapes through play!

I love doing this activity with my toddlers because clean up is so easy. Toddlers may not be able to recognize their shapes yet but this activity is great about introducing colors and shapes to them. The Baby Bears were great about dipping their paint brushes into the water so that we could paint our windows and magnet board.
When your toddler starts frequently taking his/or her pants off during diaper changes you may want to start introducing the "potty". Today we took one of our oldest toddlers to the bathrooms to try and go and we succeeded. Way to go big girl!!!
 The Baby Bears always have a good time stamping their papers with toys we use in our classroom everyday. I even catch them doing this sort of activity during play time, I guess they really do enjoy art time!
Our Cutest Moments:


Monday, August 24, 2015

Shapes Lesson Plan


Music &
(Self-Expression, Songs, Instruments-rattles & shakers)
Wheels on the Bus Finger Play
Taped Square on our floor
going in and out of it
Taped Circle on our floor
going in and out of it
Taped Triangle on our floor
going in and out of it
Singing Happy Birthday to Alice!
Literacy &
(Book titles or
language activities)
Welcome Clapping Song!
Introducing a
Introducing a CIRCLE!
Introducing a TRIANGLE!
Happy Birthday Books
Gross Motor
Indoor & Outdoor
(Toddler Games, Physical Coordination)
Playing in the gym with balls
Balancing on blocks walking on the line
Throwing mini colored balls into baskets
Scribbling with chalk outside
Crawling through tunnels
Fine Motor
Holding onto our spoons at lunch time
Building with mega blocks
Dipping paint brushes in water to paint the windows
Sound and Shape Puzzles
Peeling stickers and placing them on our shape papers
Creative Experiences
(Art and Sensory Experiences)
Teacher’s Choice
Stamping with our mega Lego blocks in paint
Foam Shapes on the window’s
Stamping with Shapes
Birthday Handprint Craft

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Oh Chocolate Mess...

So, when I finger paint with something edible for my toddlers I usually try to do two days in a row, so they know it's ok to eat the paint. Hopefully next week they won't eat it as we will be working on using paint brushes for many of the upcoming activities. I invited over Miss Beth and our two year old friends over to enjoy this activity as it's always nice to have a third teacher to help clean up afterwards. And I am so thankful she volunteered to join us because boy did it get messy!
Our Cutest Moments:


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Finger Painting with Ketchup and Mustard!

I'm always looking in to creating some new kind of footprint or handprint activity with my toddlers. Send me any creations you would like me to try and create using their hands and feet.
Getting our supplies ready to finger paint with...
We were going to do this activity outside but with the wacky weather I decided to try it inside. As you can tell they loved it and most of the ketchup and mustard stayed on their papers. The cleanup part was crazy though. And they all smelled like hot dogs!
There's always two toddlers that seem to get the full body experience!!!
After cleaning up, we read some books and kinda settled down. Two of the Baby Bears came back from transitioning to the two year old room today and were quite the little chatterbox's and very happy that I decided to take some fun pictures of their little personalities.
Our Cutest Moments:


Holding a paint brush while we paint

We worked on holding a paint brush while we painted on Wednesday. I was impressed that none of them tried eating the paint. Way to go Baby Bears on developing your fine motor skills!
And as if I don't get in enough painting time, in the toddler room that I always seem to bring a paint project while babysitting!
Our Cutest Moments:


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Pumpkin Spice Mini Cinnamon Rolls

1 Tube Refrigerated Crescent Rolls
Pumpkin Pie Spice
Brown Sugar
Preheat Oven To 350˚
1. Rollout the dough on a cookie sheet and piece together.
2. Sprinkle a hefty amount of pumpkin pie spice and brown sugar over dough, and then lightly sprinkle cinnamon over top.
3. Roll Up The Dough and cut 1'' pieces with unflavored dental floss 
4. Place in greased mini muffin baking tins 
5, Bake for around 8 minutes or until lightly browned...frost and enjoy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Water Wednesday!

I love how the Baby Bears are getting braver about going into the water!

Our Cutest Moments:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Celebrating a 2nd Birthday!

We had fun with our bingo dabbers, I told them all the colors and let them pick out which color they wanted to use. Apparently the color Red was very popular!
The Baby Bears didn't quite get the concept of the noise makers but they still had fun trying to make them blow. So if anything we worked on our breathing techniques!
Our Cutest Moments: