Thursday, August 20, 2015

Finger Painting with Ketchup and Mustard!

I'm always looking in to creating some new kind of footprint or handprint activity with my toddlers. Send me any creations you would like me to try and create using their hands and feet.
Getting our supplies ready to finger paint with...
We were going to do this activity outside but with the wacky weather I decided to try it inside. As you can tell they loved it and most of the ketchup and mustard stayed on their papers. The cleanup part was crazy though. And they all smelled like hot dogs!
There's always two toddlers that seem to get the full body experience!!!
After cleaning up, we read some books and kinda settled down. Two of the Baby Bears came back from transitioning to the two year old room today and were quite the little chatterbox's and very happy that I decided to take some fun pictures of their little personalities.
Our Cutest Moments:


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