Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Gobble, Gobble say the Turkey!!!

Good News, Miss Jalesa is now in our room full time and did I mention she bakes really good too! :)
I feel as though it's been forever since I last posted... Don't worry I'm still blogging I take too many pictures not to! I have been busy babysitting but still on the lookout for a couple of weekends in December so if you are needing a sitter for Christmas shopping let me know. I do charge $12-15 an hour but I bring a lot of fun things in my bag for us to do!

 Every year I take these adorable turkey hat pictures and every year I think they turn out better and better. Of course, some toddlers I take 20 pictures of them just to get that perfect one. If you can imagine that I have some tricks up my sleeve just to get that smile or convince them it's ok to wear the hat.
These are now posted on our classroom walls, come check out all of our Thanksgiving Day crafts we have up. I printed out cute greetings with their pictures last night that are now on our door. Feel free to take home your child's picture before Thanksgiving next week!
Lets not forget our outtakes part 1...
Our Cutest Moments:

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