Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lets decorate the Christmas tree!

 I couldn't believe that it snowed last night, but was I was that I could take my toddlers outside for another snowy adventure. They were not that happy about getting bundled up in their snow gear. You might notice your toddler with different hats or mittens, that is because after putting them on them three or four times you just go with it.
After we came back inside they were cranky and sleepy. I found some nice calming Christmas music to listen to and we decorated our Christmas tree with ornaments and jingle bells.
This afternoon we took out our aggression on red and green paper. I helped them rip the sides first then gave it to them to tear. They actually did really good and even helped me pick up all the torn paper. I wonder why they can't pick up their toys then...

Our Cutest Moments:


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