Friday, January 29, 2016

Tips for Keeping God in the Center of Your Relationship

1. Pray Together

As a Christian, I have found that a lot of things start with prayer. A Godly relationship is no exception. When couples pray together, it builds their roots in Christ so they can depend on Him. What should couples pray to God about? Everything! Praise God for each other, ask God for freedom from temptation, go to God for relationship advice, and pray for one another’s personal problems.

My boyfriend and I have started praying together during meal times and even though it's still uncomfortable and awkward I enjoy learning more about him through God. It will just take practice.

2. Never Skip Church to Hang Out

Sometimes I burn for some personal time, but church benefits my relationship so much more. Couples should go to church together, but it’s okay if you go to separate churches if you both make sure to go. Sometime I would like to find a church we can both go to together. It always builds the spiritual bond between a boy and girl and helps them look towards God. But don’t just go to church- worship God and listen to the sermon. God is always looking to teach us something new to help us in our lives- this includes our relationships!

3. Follow God’s Word

And I mean all of it! Never think that you are an exception to God’s Law. The Bible has many rules for relationships to help them, protect them, and make them stronger. Some examples are:
  • Don’t have sex outside of marriage (1 Thes 4:3-5, 1 Cor 6:18)
  • Don’t have relationships with non-Christians (2 Cor 6:14)
  • Don’t have a relationship before you are ready (SoS 2:7)
There’s more as well. Couples should read the Bible together and discover what God wants to teach us! This is something I want to do!

4. Talk About Spiritual Matters

I have found that sometimes it can be timid when it comes to talking about our spiritual matters with our significant others. It can be hard to open up about something to personal, especially when things are hard to explain and you’re not sure if they will understand. But it is so important if you are having a serious Godly relationship. God may be working a great work in you and if you don’t discuss it with your significant other, they might not understand why you are acting so differently. If God gives you a word for your relationship, don’t assume you can just work it in to your relationship without telling the other what God has said. Make sure you share with them what God is doing inside of you!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Open End Art

Toddlers can crinkle, crumple and rip tissue paper but these boys spent their late afternoon gluing their tissue paper pieces to their cutout mittens. If you have any left over tissue paper you don't need anymore we will take it for an art and sensory project!
The most beautiful thing about toddlers is they approach every task, every adventure, and every obstacle with the same curiosity to “just see what happens.” They case out a new situation with a “hmmm, I wonder what will happen if I do this?” attitude, instead of a “oh, I’d better not try that because ‘this’ might happen!” Toddlers don’t know what “this” is. The come to the table with no preconceptions. They are here to explore and conquer!
When it comes to this activity…painting with something other than just a brush, the toddler rule still applies. I set up some very simple and familiar items to paint with.
Our Cutest Moments:


Monday, January 25, 2016


Step 1.
Line a flat pan with sides with parchment paper and spread evenly with yogurt, make sure it's not too thin so that it breaks easily. I would say about 3/8 of an inch thick is good. 

Step 2. Sprinkle with your mix-in (fruit, nuts, etc.)
Step 3. Freeze for a few hours until completely frozen. Ours took about 4 hours for an 8" square pan, but of course it will depend on the size of your pan. Remove from frozen yogurt from the pan and peel off the parchment paper. Break into pieces. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What, another birthday?!

We celebrated Cora's 1st Birthday last week she has been transitioning into our classroom. The older toddlers love her and love to care for her by getting her a stuffed animal when she cries or giving her hugs, it's quite adorable!
Of course we sung happy birthday to her at bible time and big brother had a few words to say afterwards.
Taking tissue paper out of a bag is so much fun, who knew there was more presents in there!
Afternoon snack was fantastic, the fun cupcakes were very yummy and our friends really enjoyed them!
Our Cutest Moments:


All about blue!

 We have had fun learning about the color "blue" this week. We worked on our fine motor skills by holding onto blue markers and making marks on our papers, we chased blue hula hoops in the gym, we've stamped our papers with blue paint and even finger painted with blue pudding!

 You know they loved it because here is the aftermath...

 and then the sugar crash...

Apparently this is just one of our favorite activities lately...singing happy birthday to our dolls!

Our Cutest Moments:


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

We love the snow!

So happy that we could take our toddlers outside to play in the snow! We are excited it's getting a bit warmer so we can start shaping the snow into snowballs to make some fun snowmen that we have been talking about in our story books.
We came inside and did some fun sensory and art. We painted with our cars and we got to roll them in paint, we also made some fun car noises!
Our Cutest Moments:


Happy Birthday Hailey!

Today we celebrated Hailey's 2nd Birthday! We are getting a bit more organized at sitting down while singing Happy Birthday but now apparently everyone has to sit in chairs.
Shy moment of the day, is when we sung happy birthday to her during bible time. I don't blame you Hailey I don't like this much attention either!
Afterwards she opened up her presents from us teachers. Yeah we know we tend to spoil our toddlers! :)
Thanks for the treating us with birthday cookies, our friends really liked them! And you ate something sweet, yeah!
We had to burn off some of our excess energy bopping around punch ball balloons!
We hope you had a Happy Birthday, Thanks for celebrating with us today!

Oh the weather outside is frightful!

 But inside it's been delightful, we had fun bringing the snow inside to play with.

Then in the afternoon we had fun dressing our toddlers up in costumes!

Our Cutest Moments:

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Snow and Ice

Music &
(Self-Expression, Songs, Instruments-rattles & shakers)
Bible Time with Miss Beth
Watching the jolly penguins on the slopes  
Singing Happy Birthday to Hailey!!!
Frank Sinatra Classics playing!
Twinkle Little Star Finger Play
Literacy &
(Book titles or
language activities)
Polar Bear What Do You Hear?
Goodnight Moon
Bear Says Thank You
Word Cards:
Polar Bear
And more!
Penguin says Please
Gross Motor
Indoor & Outdoor
(Toddler Games, Physical Coordination)
Playing in the gym
Bringing snow inside to play with using our mittens
Painting the snow with water colors
Putting ice cubes in warm water and watching them disappear
Mittens and Hats Dressing up  
Fine Motor
Cotton balls in muffin tins
Using a paint brush
Putting cotton balls on our sticky paper
Picking up ice cubes on cookie sheets
Sugar in sensory table with spoons and cups
Creative Experiences
(Art and Sensory
Teachers Choice
Melted Snowman painting with white paint
Making tracks with white paint using our toy cars
Snowflake Handprints
Tissue paper mittens

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Snow Fun!

I'm on a roll with blogging this week, woot! woot!
We have been taking every chance we get to take the toddles outside to play in the snow since next week it will be in the single digits. Everyone was fine playing then the youngest ones started fussing so Miss Deb took four of them inside to play while I had four of them that I barely could bring back inside with me because they were having so much fun!
We did the girls hair today, and the boys also thought they needed a different hair style too!
After we watched a short clip on penguins yesterday they now have identified that our jolly slopes toy are penguins sliding down. I love seeing that connection and pointing to them and trying to say the word.
Play time is learning time!

Our Cutest Moments:

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter fun!

Next time I will use sugar, but all I had was salt so I used what I had. They had fun during this activity picking up the salt and digging their hands in it. It's kind of like our indoor sandbox. Next time I will put it in a sensory box with spoons and little cups to work on our hand coordination. 

I was at Dollar Tree over the weekend picking up supplies for our sensory bins and I came across little dust pans and brushes. It was perfect thing I was looking for and I showed them how to use it with our cotton balls.

This month we are talking a lot about Penguins, Polar Bears and being cold, brrr!

I purchased this fun toy on Amazon and we setup for the toddlers to watch the penguins slide down the slopes, You can tell they really like this toy!

Yeah, I was so excited to take my toddlers out in the snow, it took us 30 minutes to get ready but we had a lot of fun playing! Bonus, they all took great naps today!

Our Cutest Moments:


Monday, January 4, 2016

Winter Animals Lesson Plan

Music &
(Self-Expression, Songs, Instruments-rattles & shakers)
Bible Time with Miss Beth
Watching the jolly penguins on the slopes  
Watching a five minute clip on winter animals
Welcome Clapping Name Song!
Twinkle Little Star Finger Play
Literacy &
(Book titles or
language activities)
Snowman Book
Polar Bear What Do you Hear?
Just a little Penguin
Thomas and Friends
Little Critter’s Snowman
Gross Motor
Indoor & Outdoor
(Toddler Games, Physical Coordination)
Playing in the gym
Weather permitting playing outside
otherwise snow inside
Playing with animals in the sensory table filled with snow
Parachute goes up and down
Mittens and Hats Dressing up  
Fine Motor
Scribbling with Crayons on paper
Pinching salt to put on our papers with glue
Build a snowman with cotton balls and creamer bottles
Play Dough and Birthday Candles
Scribbling with white chalk on dark paper
Creative Experiences
(Art and Sensory
Teachers Choice
Painted handprint/arm
 winter tree
Penguin Footprints
Polar Bear Handprint
Finger Painting with blue pudding paint