Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter fun!

Next time I will use sugar, but all I had was salt so I used what I had. They had fun during this activity picking up the salt and digging their hands in it. It's kind of like our indoor sandbox. Next time I will put it in a sensory box with spoons and little cups to work on our hand coordination. 

I was at Dollar Tree over the weekend picking up supplies for our sensory bins and I came across little dust pans and brushes. It was perfect thing I was looking for and I showed them how to use it with our cotton balls.

This month we are talking a lot about Penguins, Polar Bears and being cold, brrr!

I purchased this fun toy on Amazon and we setup for the toddlers to watch the penguins slide down the slopes, You can tell they really like this toy!

Yeah, I was so excited to take my toddlers out in the snow, it took us 30 minutes to get ready but we had a lot of fun playing! Bonus, they all took great naps today!

Our Cutest Moments:


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