Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Open End Art

Toddlers can crinkle, crumple and rip tissue paper but these boys spent their late afternoon gluing their tissue paper pieces to their cutout mittens. If you have any left over tissue paper you don't need anymore we will take it for an art and sensory project!
The most beautiful thing about toddlers is they approach every task, every adventure, and every obstacle with the same curiosity to “just see what happens.” They case out a new situation with a “hmmm, I wonder what will happen if I do this?” attitude, instead of a “oh, I’d better not try that because ‘this’ might happen!” Toddlers don’t know what “this” is. The come to the table with no preconceptions. They are here to explore and conquer!
When it comes to this activity…painting with something other than just a brush, the toddler rule still applies. I set up some very simple and familiar items to paint with.
Our Cutest Moments:


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