Monday, February 1, 2016

Lesson Plan and Newsletter

Little Llama’s
February, 2016
Dear Families,
February has arrived, and the weather reminds us that winter is not over yet! Our themes for this month include Red, Hearts, Teeth, and Senses. Our Valentine’s Day party will be held on Friday, February 12th. We will have a pajama day as well.  Becky will be providing a fun finger food for our morning snack. We will also have a sign-up sheet posted on our door.
We will be busy this month! We will be learning about the color red. We will learn about hearts, and we will make several art projects involving hearts.  We will explore stickers with different sizes of hearts, and even explore mixing red and white paints to create different shades of pink. With these paints, we will be making valentine cards for those we love.
We will be learning about our 5 senses this month. Our activities will include tasting something sweet and sour, touching items in our magic box, and Calming Lavender Water Play.  To work on our sense of sight we will blow bubbles, and for hearing, we will listen to the noise we make while crinkling shiny tissue paper wrap.  We will also have a sensory box which we will bring out every afternoon to play with; everything in the box will be the theme for Valentines Day.
I want to take a moment to congratulate all of our older toddlers on drinking out of open cup and using their utensil’s at mealtimes. Sippy cups are still provided for the younger ones as well with spoons. We are very proud of all of them on being such big kids!  At mealtimes, the older toddlers sit together, and the younger ones sit together. We will begin using our baby signs again, along with words for the older toddlers. Some signs we will be using are “milk and water”, “more”, “please”, and “thank you.” We will also include the signs on our bulletin board outside our classroom. We are learning how to put our dishes away after mealtime in the dishwasher bucket located by the kitchen. The older toddlers are showing our younger ones how it’s done! Good job, everyone!
Some books we will be reading this month include: Clifford’s Valentines, Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse, Snowman Shuffle, and Pony Brushes His Teeth! Some fun music and movement this month will include songs like Bubble, Bubble, POP! We will also introduce Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and Sticky, Sticky Bubblegum.
Music &
(Self-Expression, Songs, Instruments-rattles & shakers)
Bible Time with Miss Beth
Taking our Valentine’s Day Pictures!   
Sticky Sticky Bubble Gum, POP!
Chasing Bubbles
The Bear went over the mountain
Literacy &
(Book titles or
language activities)
Polar Bear What Do You Hear?
Learning the sign:
“I Love You?”
Clifford’s Valentines
Llama Mama, I Love You
Snowman Shuffle
Gross Motor
Indoor & Outdoor
(Toddler Games, Physical Coordination)
Playing outside on the playground!
Stomping on bubble wrap
Parachute Playing
Scooting with floor scooters in the gym
Stuffed animal tossing into baskets
Fine Motor
Scribbling with crayons
Exploring Valentine’s Day Tub
Peeling back stickers and placing them on hearts
Ripping Red Paper
Foam hearts on the windows
Creative Experiences
(Art and Sensory
Teachers Choice
Tracing hands
Painting Clifford Dog coloring sheet with red paint
Gluing pieces of paper down
Finger painting with red and pink paints

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