Monday, April 4, 2016

Were going on a worm hunt, we gonna find a big one!

If you've heard your toddler talking about worms, then don't be surprised but we find worms daily outside on our playground and they love holding them in their containers. We even have some brave toddlers that try and hold them in their hands and some toddlers that love worms as long as it stays on the ground. We've even been calling worms by the name "wormy", I guess it's our newest pet right now! 

I finally got all the toddler's families posted on our wall. They get so excited when I ask them to point to their family members. They get a little territorial over their families it's kind of comical. I am now looking for pictures of them with their pets or just their pets. So if you could send me those, that would be great! Next month we will make a Grandparents wall! 

This is by far one of our favorite activities, we love pom-poms so when we get to dip them in paint and paint with them they just light up! When the pom-pom falls off they even try their hardest to try and put it back on. 

Now, that we have mastered not eating chalk anymore, we can now do art activities indoor and outdoor. This was a fun art and sensory activity that we did with water. I let them dip their chalk into a cup of water and make marks on their papers. 
Were constantly doing our little girls hair in our classroom usually right after naptime or when we come back from outside. The boys usually want to be involved too, so we did their hair I don't think it was quite what they were expecting...

Our Cutest Moments:

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