Wow'! Can't believe we have yet another 2 year old in our classroom. Where has time gone? Vinnie has certainly changed from baby to toddler to two year old. And yet I've been so blessed to watch him grow and learn! We had a lot of fun today! We had some new friends come and play with us. We wore party hats while we took some pictures. We blew party horns and ate birthday cookies. We even had a race car party with spinning tracks that made lots of noises! I'd say you had quite the busy day!
Since party balloons aren't quite a hit anymore, I got out noise makers! Who would of guessed those toddlers could actually make noise with those, Yup! they did! And they all loved it. As you can see Talissa and Jack were really working hard to get theirs to make sound!
Celebrating with birthday treats!!!

Our Cutest Moments:

You are an outstanding teacher thank you for everything you do!! I don't want her to turn 2 in November!!