Monday, April 7, 2014

Turning 30!

Tomorrow, I will officially be 30 years old! A few years ago, the idea of turning 30 terrified me. Well, to be honest: the idea of turning 30 and single terrified me. But now, by the grace of God, I could not be happier about entering this new decade of my life.

When I look back on my 20's, with the changing of jobs and moving into my apartment or just finding myself and running from God and running to God and making new friends and dating and blogging and letting go and hanging on and learning to love and learning to be loved, I'm happy on the new chapter I'm about to begin. 
Today is my soon to be brother in law's Birthday. He is turning 28! I got a little crazy as I usually do for other people's birthday's and bought him a sampler cheesecake and a Iowa State Monopoly board game. It was only fair to get him something that had to do with Iowa State as they are getting married up there. 
This morning I woke up in peer panic thinking that I had overslept when I came to realize that it was actually my day off. The smart thing I should of done was get up, but I went back to bed and slept till 11 a.m. I had so much stuff that I needed to get done today, which in the end I did! I finished the last minute touches on my sister's bridal shower, then I treated myself to a few little gifts at the Family Christian Bookstore. Tonight my parents are taking us out to eat in celebration of my birthday and Mike's. I think we are going to Olive Garden not sure what I might get but all I really care about is dessert! 

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