Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Bunny Preview Pictures!

We only like rainy days in the summer time, at least then we can go outside and splash in the puddles but when it's cold and rainy it's just no fun. Luckily we got to play in the gym with the big kid toys. We had fun today with the tool sets and putting our tools in our pockets. Your toddlers are ready for their next project at home!
This morning Miss Abbie did art with the Baby Bears. They loved every moment of it and had fun dabbing their papers and saying the word "dab" I love working with teachers like Miss Abbie that want to do fun engaging activities with the tots.
We learned a new word today, the word "hop" and talked about how bunnies hop. Ask your toddler what the bunny says!
So since Easter will be here before we know it, we decided to take some of our bunny pictures today. Here is just a preview of some that we took! It is always hard finding the best picture to use for their greeting cards. Let me know if you would like any extra pictures for your family, I can always print out another copy!
Our Cutest Moments:


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