Monday, March 2, 2015

Easy Art and Sensory time

I had been wanting to try this activity for sometime now and with snow on the ground I thought it was the perfect opportunity, and talk about an easy cleanup! I put about four of the same skittles in a cup and filled it up with water wait about 2 minutes and you have a color. This activity we did also determined how they were using water colors because this spring we will start painting with the water color pallets. They did excellent and no one even tried to eat them. 

Water is essential for sensory play in either babies or toddlers. My toddlers love playing with baby dolls right now. We talk about feeding them, taking them to bed and giving them baths. So we decided it was time to give them a good cleaning with warm soapy water and wash clothes. They were so caring during this activity it was fun watching them play. 

I made this cute little tractor footprint while I was babysitting over the weekend it turned out better than I thought! So we will be making this during our farm week with the baby bears. 

Our Cutest Moments:

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