Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Celebrating a 2nd Birthday!

Our silly birthday boy posing for a picture, Happy 2nd Birthday Kai!

What's a party without birthday hats, some weren't quite sure what to think about that. They got really excited when I told them we were going to go eat birthday cake!

Thanks Kai, for the yummy chocolate cupcakes. They were super excited and about knocked each other over getting out of the door. Can you tell we don't get sweets very often?! Lets just say most of them had a sponge bath after snack today.
After our little sugar rush we went back to the room and bopped around our punch bag balloons and went outside to run around. Hope you had a good birthday Kai and came in to celebrate with your friends. I can't believe your 2 already!
Our Cutest Moments:

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