Thursday, April 9, 2015

Exploring hard and soft sensory today!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday, it's hard to believe I'm 31...
Since it has been so rainy outside this week we did some chalk fun indoors. I taught them how to pound their papers and make dots on their papers. So next time you do chalk with your toddler they might do that as well. They eventually got the hang of scribbling with the egg shaped chalk pieces and made scribbles on their papers. They were very content doing this activity and were fascinated with the chalk.
This afternoon we explored sand. I showed them how to raise their arms up and let the sand go out of their hands and down into the tub. However most of the sand got onto the tile flooring. We played with the sand for a good 10 minutes. We worked on opening and closing our hands while doing this activity.
I've noticed that my younger toddlers all sleep the same way...
Our Cutest Moments:

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