Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday Fun!

 The toddlers are a pro at building with our mega blocks in our classroom that I thought I would let them try it with red plastic cups, I was amazingly surprised how they worked at it to keep the cups stacked!
My toddlers have been pretty bold about trying new foods, of course when I try eating my lunch during their naptimes there's always one who wants my food. Apparently pepperoni is really good food to try!
We had fun playing on the big playground yesterday and they all listened very well and didn't run off we had fun walking around the playground and looking at everything.

none of them were willing to share with me!
So who is going to win tomorrow the hawks or the cyclones, I hope you said Cyclones because that's who I'm rooting for, three generations in my family went to Iowa State.
 Today we had fun exploring the Fall sensory tub with plastic cups, shovels, plastic apples, jars of spider rings and giant pom poms! We also bit into granny smith apples that Miss Barb gave us from her apple tree. All of the toddlers sat for about 20 minutes this morning eating away at their apples!

Who would have thought the toddlers loved green apples!!!
 Blair brought us in treats for our afternoon snack today, we will miss her she is moving away. Stay in touch with us!


Our Cutest Moments:


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