Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My Newsletter & Lesson Plan

Little Llamas
September, 2015
Dear Families,
This summer has gone by so fast! It’s hard to believe its September again! We hope you all enjoyed the State Fair, boating, and all the other summer activities you love. It is the beginning of the new school year, and we would like to welcome all of our new friends to the toddler room, Welcome to Brody, who has joined us from the Little Lambs classroom. Here are some updates about our classroom. Please welcome Miss Molly back. We have missed her and are excited to have her back in our classroom! We will now be called the Little Llama’s Classroom. My hours are Tuesday through Friday, 7:00 am to 5:15 pm, and Miss Molly hours are every day from 7:15 am to 4:15 pm.
 Picture Day will be Wednesday, September 23rd. Please bring a bag of clothing as we will change the children into their picture clothing after our morning snack. If this is not your scheduled day, you may stay with your child to have their own picture and our class picture taken.
Our themes this month will be Welcome Back, Apples, Trees, and Leaves. We will focus on the colors “Red, Orange and Yellow” this month. We want to wish all our Grandmas and Grandpas a happy Grandparents Day! We will be making each set of grandparents a set of footprint cards to mail out. Some engaging activities the toddlers will participate in this month will be finger painting with applesauce, grasping an apple and eating it, making apple prints, and leaf painting. We will also be going on many stroller/wagon rides to find leaves and talk about what we see outside. We will get to explore fabric leaves and other fall items in the sensory tub, make handprint leaves, and participate in other fall type activities.
Here are some reminders as we begin the new school year:
• Please make sure to bring in a small backpack or diaper bag to hang up at your child’s cubby area. This is good in case we need to put in bagged up soiled clothing, blankets to be washed, etc:
• Please label your child's belongings (especially, blankets, and clothing!)
• Remember to update your child’s extra clothes bin as the cooler weather comes, this also includes a jacket.
• Always check the toddler bulletin board outside our door for any reminders/special events, and make sure you check your child’s folder at the end of each night.
It is always an honor to work with you and your children. To watch each child learn and grow is an incredible    experience! We look forward to many more memories and great experiences with you and your family! If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate Please check out my blog, it contains the activities we have enjoyed doing, art projects and recipes!
Love, Miss Becky
Our theme this week: Welcome Back to School!!!
Music &
(Self-Expression, Songs, Instruments-rattles & shakers)
Welcome Clapping Song!
Morning an afternoon warm up stretches
Wheels on the bus finger play
Singing our ABC’s
Counting to “ 10” with our fingers
Dancing to silly music
Literacy &
(Book titles or
language activities)
Little Tiger Picks up!
I Went Walking!
Little Elephant Listens
Word Cards
Pointing to different cards and finding them in the classroom
Llama Llama Books
Gross Motor
Indoor & Outdoor
(Toddler Games, Physical Coordination)
Playing outside on our playground
Bubble and Water fun outside!!!
Throwing mini balls into the swimming pools
Trip to the bathrooms!
washing our hands and sitting on the potty
Working on stopping when going to places outside of classroom
Fine Motor
Holding onto a spoon during meal times
Small cups with crayons
Grasping bingo dabbers
ABC Magnets with sounds
Pom-poms in jars with lids
Creative Experiences
(Art and Sensory
Teacher’s Choice Art
Footprint Art
Painting a School Bus coloring sheet with yellow paint
Handprint Art
Sponge painting

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