Thursday, October 15, 2015

Birthday Fun!

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted it's been a crazy week for me I had some extended relatives staying all week and celebrating my Grandma's 91st birthday. This week we celebrated a 2nd birthday in our classroom on Tuesday.
When it's your birthday you get to be sung happy birthday to during bible time. That was quite a treat because it always seems like they practice standing on chairs in our classroom repeating the birthday song to all their friends.
Of course we had to sing during our small group time, it is one our favorite songs!
As you can see I always go a little overboard on birthdays!
We scribbled with wet chalk as a part of our art and sensory that day. I let them dip their chalk into the water and color with it. They did so well and it actually made really good markings on their papers.
Our Cutest Moments:


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