Thursday, October 8, 2015

Oodles of Fun!

Last night I colored 2 box's of spaghetti noodles for today. I put a cup of water, the noodles and lots of plastic bugs on the bottom of the sensory tub. I scooped out some noodles and placed them on the foil sheets for the toddlers to explore. Lets just say the plastic cups were a big hit and trying to find all the fun bugs! I'm so glad that most of them enjoyed this activity as I will be doing this again at the end of the month!
Just so you all too can fully experience our sensory play!!!
I'm always looking for fun things to stick to our contact paper on the window's. I found some string hidden away so I cut it up and let them stick it to the windows. They had just as much fun stretching it out or collecting the different colored pieces and putting it in their buckets.
I had fun dressing them in this pumpkin costume! I think I have the cutest little pumpkins!
Our Cutest Moments:


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