Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Birthday Fun!

Today we celebrated James turning 2! He was so happy and funny today! We were lucky enough to spend about 2 hours outside today to play! We sang Happy Birthday to him throughout the day, ate yummy cookies and opened presents!
I tend to spoil my toddlers when it's their birthday!! It's fun watching them open up their presents tearing off each piece of paper oh so carefully, next year I'm sure they will have the full effect of ripping off the paper with such delight!
We had some extra space at our tables, so it was only fair that our favorite stuffed animals joined in on our birthday treat fun!
Our Cutest Moments:


1 comment:

  1. So lovely birthday party arrangements. The birthday boy is looking so cute. Need to organize a birthday party for my nephew. Checking for some nice theme for the party. Will book one of Seattle venues for it.
