Saturday, March 5, 2016

Little Llama's Daily Schedule

Little Llama's Schedule
 6:15am-7:30am Arrival and free play in the gym along with breakfast for those who have not ate.
7:30am-8:15am Diaper Changes and free play in our classroom (We take the 2 year olds to the bathrooms)
8:15am-8:30am Gross Motor (Gym Time)
8:30am-8:45am Bible Time singing songs, story time and a prayer
8:45am-9:30am Free play in the classroom (Centers)
9:30am-10:00am Art and Sensory
10:00am-10:15am Diaper Changes and free play (We take our 2 year Old's to the bathrooms)
10:15am-10:45am Playing outside or going for a walk
10:45am-11:00am washing our hands and faces
11:00am we do circle time on the rug, we read a book, sing some songs with actions and do Touch and Feel flashcards
11:15-11:30 we go to our lunch tables where we fold our hands and say our meal time prayer and eat our lunch. (We are working on letting our 2 year Old's serve themselves with help)
11:30am-12:00pm finishing up lunch, they go to their cots or go look at a story book
 12:00-2:00pm Nap Time, Lights off and calm music playing
2:00pm we check diapers and get ready for snack (We take our 2 year olds to the bathrooms)
2:15pm we fold our hands for our mealtime prayer and we eat our afternoon snack
2:30pm-3:30pm we go outside on our playground
3:45pm-4:00pm washing our hands, diaper changes (taking our 2 year Old's to the bathrooms)
4:00pm fine motor activities such as sorting toys, puzzles, blocks, magnets, scribbling with crayons
4:30pm late afternoon snack to tide them over till parents come, free play
5:00pm we do diapers again and get washed up until parents pick up
 At all meals we fold our hands and recite this prayer:
God is Good, God is Great Let us Thank him for our food, Amen!
We work on eating with a spoon and fork, Once our toddlers hit 18 months we begin transitioning them to a regular cup once during our mealtime. All of our 2 year Old's drink from regular cups.We work on meal time signs with our younger ones. (milk, please, thank you, more and all done) We expect our older ones that have began talking to use their words. We will begin using a napkin this week to show our toddlers how we clean up ourselves. I'll let you know how that goes, hopefully no napkin eaters!

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