Thursday, March 17, 2016

Picture Overload!!!

Wow, sorry it's been so long since I last blogged crazy week of babysitting, company and engaging in my bible study class. Then of course my memory card was full, and I had to go out and buy another one for picture day!
I wish I could say everyone did really well for their pictures but then I'd be lying. They probably would have taken great photo's if we would have done it on time. However our pictures were pushed back till 11am, so we didn't get to have any gross motor time and we were cooped up in our classroom all morning with a lot of fussy toddlers. I think maybe 5 out of the 11 took good ones...

And then these were the looks I got after the pictures were completed!

After our naptime we all sat down for our afternoon snack and ate rainbow ice cream for St. Patrick's Day! Wow, I was surprised at how many liked the tangy sherbet.

Some updates...If you don't see your toddler's photo here please bring in one. Or send it to me and I'll print it off. We had to move our "Family Pictures" because we had some smaller friends trying to rip them off of our magnet board.

 Our Cutest Moments:


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