Thursday, May 5, 2016

Celebrating two birthdays today!

It's not every day you have two 2 year old's turning 2 on the same day. Today we celebrated Max and Sophia's birthday. This post is mainly about our two year old's, because turning 2 is a big deal!

The best part about celebrating your birthday at school is after bible time you get to stand on a chair in front of a large group of kids and they all sing happy birthday to you! It's a big deal!

After bible time we came back and had our morning snack that consisted of trail mix and mini ice cream bars.

Clean up time was sure fun, I never would've guessed they just liked the sandwich cookie part and decided to finger paint the table with their ice cream. I think their intention was they wanted me to put more soapy bubbles in our bucket for hand washing afterwards as the scream with laughter!

We kept the two year old's inside and let the younger toddlers go outside and play while we did a morning group time and present opening with Max and Sophia. 

We've been taking turns letting the toddlers go over to the big playground next door. They need to use their gross motor skills and have outgrown our playground. They do really well climbing with assistance near by. I'm like a hawk watching their every move, but they do really well and they are all so proud of their accomplishments that they are able to do. This afternoon I just took our two year old's over to play!

 Our Cutest Moments:

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