Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

We have had a lot of fine motor activities this week including, knob puzzles, play dough, squeezing rubber gloves filled with water, scribbling with crayons and stamping with cookie cutters. This afternoon we worked on scooping up the water and pouring it out into an empty bucket. This took practice but they all managed to complete the task with lots of encouragement! 

Here's a few more fine motor things you can work on at home too! 
(We encourage them to do these things at school, we ask them to tell us if they need help by either saying it or signing it.) Ask us if you would like to know the sign for "help" 
  • unzipping their jackets
  • putting their shoes on and taking them off
  • using a spoon and fork at meal times
  • transitioning to a cup at mealtimes or during teeth brushing
  • learning to pull down their pants and trying to pull them up

We work on our gross motor skills every day. It helps your toddlers gain strength and confidence in his/her body. We have been taking many walks, running down the grass hill, climbing on the big playground, crawling through tunnels, kicking soccer balls and so much more. Today we took a walk and found many sticks along the way!

Our Cutest Moments:

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