Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I have some smart toddlers!

Today I painted their feet yellow to make diggers. Some are still hesitant about getting their feet painted because it tickles so much, so I let them paint my feet first! Why should they get all the fun?!

So about 11:00am to 11:15am right before lunch time we sit down on the rug and we do language time which consists of these fun ABC Eric Carle flashcards. I really like these cards because they contain some of the animals from Carle's popular books, and a variety of new ones. One con is that some of the animals are kind of obscure. They sit so well while we practice saying the letter along with the animals on the other side. I love to hear their new vocabulary that they are learning!

I think we may have a few cross country runners in this group, they are getting so fast running in the grass. We did have to stop a few times and pick up some pine cones during our walk. Some of the toddlers decided to sneak a few into our classroom as well!

Our Cutest Moments:

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