Monday, May 9, 2016

Learning the color "purple"

Just a heads up, I will be out of town on Friday we are traveling to Wisconsin. My little cousin is getting married. Wish us luck as it will be a long car ride with six people in a mini van!

Music &
(Self-Expression, Songs, Instruments-rattles & shakers)

Bible Time Songs
The Color Song

Introducing the color Purple
Waving around colored scarfs to the music
If you’re happy and you know it!
Row, Row your boat finger play
Literacy &
(Book titles or
language activities)
Group Time

Learning our colors, numbers and abc’s
Learning our colors through flash cards

Little Tiger Picks up!

Finding purple things and saying the word


From Head to Toe
Gross Motor
Indoor & Outdoor
(Toddler Games, Physical Coordination)
Playing outside
Running up and down the grassy hill outside
Parachute Play
Chasing hula hoops in the gym

Crawling through tunnels
Fine Motor

Sticking crayons on the grass tray
Thumb Print Grapes with stamp pads
Ripping up purple paper
Gluing down purple paper pieces
Building with Lego Mega Blocks
Creative Experiences
(Art and Sensory

Teacher’s Choice
Marble Painting with purple paint
Finger Painting with purple paint
Stamping with cookie cutters in purple paint
Painting with purple Duplo’s in purple paint

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