Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June Newsletter

Little Llamas
June, 2016

Dear Families,

June has finally arrived, and I am happy with the weather that we have had so far! Just a few reminders: we still need a bottle of sunscreen for some of our toddlers. We also need a water bottle to keep in your child’s cubby so we can bring it outside with us on hot days. Happy birthday to Maxwell and Riley, who will turn 2 this month! We will celebrate with special treats and a birthday party.
We are excited for our splash water days. They will be weekly, so please send a swimsuit, swim diaper, towel, and swim shoes. Please label all items that you bring into the classroom. The Little Llamas will get to explore small wading pools, the sprinkler, and water tables with sponges and water toys! During this time we will also be working on trying to blow bubbles!

We have some fun activities planned for this month! But first, here are the themes we will have in the month of June: Summer Fun, then #1 Dad, Bubbles and Balls, and Under the Sea! We will be singing “Five Little Fishes” and “Slippery Fish” with all the hand actions. We will be having our Pajama Day on June 17th!

This month we will have a new school menu. We really try and encourage the little llamas to try new foods. We even come up with clever sayings that get them to try to eat their foods. So if your toddler says at home that broccoli are trees, they are correct! We tell them to try their little trees. This month we will be making smoothies in our classroom. Each toddler will be in charge of dropping blueberries or pre-sliced fruit into the bowl or taking turns stirring it. Then we will blend it and pour into little cups for them to try.

Some fun activities we will do this month are having an afternoon picnic outside where we will try watermelon slices, Play Dough fun, painting with water colors,  plus we will also have many crafts to do for our dads for Father’s Day!
Some new books we will be reading this month include: Blueberries for Sal, Octopus Opposites,

Miss Becky 

Music &
(Self-Expression, Songs, Instruments-rattles & shakers)

Bible Time

You are my sunshine finger play
Shark Finger Play
Nemo Animated Book on my kindle
Literacy &
(Book titles or
language activities)
Animal Flash Cards

Saying the names of the animals

How do Dinosaurs clean their rooms?

Little Critter Books  

Chicka, Chicka

Goodnight Train

Gross Motor
Indoor & Outdoor
(Toddler Games, Physical Coordination)
Playing outside on playground
Going for a walk and picking up pine cones
 Pouring Station with cups

Water Day Outside!!!

Chasing bubbles outside
Going for walk to find rocks to paint
Fine Motor

Stacking blocks
Pop Beads
Making marks with colored pencils
Contact paper on window

Putting tissue paper pieces to it
scribbling with chalk outside
Building with Lego Duplo blocks
Creative Experiences
(Art and Sensory

Teacher’s Choice
Dino Handprint
Boat Footprints
Watermelon handprints
Painting Rocks

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