Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sunny hot day!

Wednesdays and Fridays we will attempt going outside and playing with the water. We will also be doing fun things such as blowing bubbles, water balloons and sprinkler fun! 

I'm going to purchase some new water balloons as the dollar tree ones were kind of a bust, I had the toddlers transfer their water balloons to the swimming pools and as they dropped it and it popped they were quite confused on where they went. I should have gotten a video so perhaps next time.

Our two year old's get a chance to play next door to our playground. We work on climbing, going down bigger slides and swinging. Swinging is by far our favorite!

When we get really sweaty and hot we cool off with icey pops in the grass!

We have been great about trying new foods at lunch time, our new favorite vegetable is corn on the cob and they did a great job eating every piece of corn off their cobs!

Owyn demonstrates his after naptime routine, we do a lot of stretches and movement exercises before and after nap time. Today he just had too much energy!

Our Cutest Moments:

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