Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sausage, Egg and Cheese Breakfast Roll-Ups


can (8 oz) Pillsbury™ refrigerated crescent dinner rolls
fully cooked breakfast sausage links
slices (sandwich-size) Cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat oven to 350°F. In small bowl, beat eggs. Reserve 2 tablespoons beaten egg for brushing on tops of crescent rolls. Scramble remaining eggs.

2. Unroll dough onto work surface; separate into 8 triangles. Cut cheese slices in half; place 1 half on each triangle. Top each with spoonful of scrambled eggs and 1 sausage link. Loosely roll up triangles as directed on can; place on ungreased cookie sheet.

3. Brush reserved beaten egg on top of each crescent. Sprinkle salt and pepper over each.

4. Bake 15 to 18 minutes or until golden brown.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Splash Day!

Thank goodness we did our splash water play this morning, this afternoon it was just too hot outside. Excited to say the toddlers really enjoyed the sprinkler by themselves, they are usually hesitant about it with the 2 year old's playing with them.

This afternoon Mason and Vinnie had fun sticking their pom-poms to the window which just had a sheet of contact paper on it. I have to say the toddlers really enjoy pom-poms! It's great we use them quite a bit rather it's sticking them to different things, playing with kitchen utensils and muffin tins to just plain counting and sorting the different colors for them. They are great!

 After nap time we decided to have a little musical party! They were good imitators after I showed them how to use the instruments!  

                                    Our Cutest Moments:

My toast for my sister's wedding!

This toast has been done for about a month now, but been reading it everyday. It's quite nerve wrecking when I think of reading it in front of 150 people, because there is no way I can memorize this. I get nervous speaking in front of the many people. So here it is:

Good Evening, for those of you who don’t know me I’m Becky, Jill’s maid of honor and older sister. When I first heard about their engagement, I was so happy for them, but the scariest part I knew I had to write a speech, and that Jill couldn't help me. 
She’s the kind of person who sees my humor in many situations and only she and I have childhood inside jokes we still do with one another. She’s one of the few who has always been there to listen to me rant and rave about everything and nothing. She’s beautiful inside and out. I am so blessed and grateful to be her sister.
It seems like just yesterday that we were redecorating Barbie’s playhouse, dressing up in funny costumes, sharing secrets and laughing over nothing in particular. Oh wait, that was yesterday!
I remember fighting over who got to play with the little mermaid doll until Ariel’s head popped off and getting scolded for breaking your doll. The fun times we had sneaking out Pretty Women to watch before our parents came home. I remember the times we would fight over cleaning the bathroom. And even though we fought we always made up because we weren't just sisters, we were best friends!
Mike…You've become a big part of our family in the last couple of years. It was easy to consider you a part of our family while you were dating my sister. I've watched you grow in your faith and in your love for my sister. You are becoming an amazing man of God. I’m so proud of you and it’s an honor to officially call you brother.

Like all things in life, you get out of a marriage what you put into it. You've built your relationship on the most solid of foundations that is Christ and this is the beginning of your own happily ever after. This is also when the real work begins. All the little everyday things add up to a lifetime of happiness through both the good and the bad. Congratulations, Jill and Mike! Join me in toasting them – I wish you happiness, more love than you’ll know what to do with, and may God bless you in giving you a marriage more beautiful than your wedding.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Scooping and pouring with water turns into full fledge water play!!!

The best part about naptime is putting them all down for naps, which sounds like the crazy part. For me it's the one on one bonding time I get with them individually. We lay right beside them rubbing their back's, or running our fingers through their hair. It's our special moment where we tell them how much we love them!!!

Well today I knew it was going to be a hot one this afternoon so on a whim I brought out pitchers of water and small cups to work on scooping up the water and pouring it out. 

It turned into a very wet sensory time so I completely stripped them down to their diapers and we just had fun! Then they discovered the mud with the woodchips and that was a little too much for me so I took them out to the 2's water play and rinsed them off. 

You know it's time to go back inside when the diapers start sagging!

Playing in diapers!!!

Talissa has started saying my name, we practice names everyday! But I finally heard it today, So exciting!!!

Our Cutest Moments:

Blueberry Oatmeal Cookies

These cookies are so soft and extra chewy!The dried blueberries add a bright tangy burst, while the warm cinnamon and oats provide a comforting backdrop. They'll stay soft for up to a week if stored in an airtight container—if they last that long!

1 c instant (quick-cook) oats (measured correctly)
¾ c whole wheat flour (measured correctly) 
1 ½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp salt
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
1 egg, room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ c honey

¼ c dried blueberries

  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the oats, flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the coconut oil, egg, and vanilla. Stir in the honey until thoroughly incorporated. Add in the flour mixture, stirring just until incorporated. Fold in the blueberries. Chill the dough for at least 30 minutes. (If chilling longer, cover with plastic wrap, ensuring it touches the entire surface of the cookie dough.)
  2. Preheat the oven to 325°F, and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a Silpat.
  3. Drop the cookie dough into 15 rounded scoops on the baking sheet. (If chilled longer than 1.5 hours, flatten each slightly.) Bake at 325°F for 13-15 minutes. Cool on the baking sheet for at least 15 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack. Yield: 15 cookies
  •  It's really important to measure the oats with the spoon-and-level method If you scoop the oats into the measuring cup, you end up with 1.5 times as many oats, which will result in very dry cookies. 

  • To make your own instant oats, pulse 1 cup of old-fashioned oats in a food processor 5-8 times. 

  • Melted unsalted butter or melted margarine may be substituted for the coconut oil. Regardless of which is used, be sure that the egg is at room temperature before whisking it in. A cold egg added straight from the fridge would rapidly cool the fat source, resulting in small blobs of semi-solid coconut oil or butter.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Finger Painting!!!

I love to finger paint with the toddlers, and they love it to. I kind of confused them with paints, we've been doing a lot of edible painting lately so this was a challenge. Most of them tried tasting it or body painting themselves with it.

Our Cutest Moments:

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

I've been tight on cash for my sister's upcoming wedding. So what better way to give my dad a gift to show him how great of a dad he is! I wrote him a letter instead.

Happy Father’s Day
June, 2014

Dear Dad,
Happy Father’s Day, I just want to take a moment to tell you how proud I am of you that you’re my Dad.  I love how you dare to try new things, and secede in them even when you don’t think it’s possible I love how you go out of your way to make sure your family is taken care of. I love how you’ve never been afraid to show your family how much you love them, and your non-stop strength in pushing yourself to do a job that frustrates you just so you can look after them is inspiring.
 I love that you encourage me to dream, even if in reality it is only a dream.  I love how you’ve taught me the value in working hard is to get what you want in life. You taught me how important it is to do whatever makes me happy.
You’re my hero because you’re everything a loving husband and wonderful father should be. I love seeing the love in your eyes when you look at Mom after 37 years together. You still look at her as though she’s the best thing that ever happened to you and you’re proof that love and devotion really still exists. That dedication inspires me to never settle for someone who isn’t completely crazy about me, and I thank you for showing me that there are good, kind-hearted men in the world who’d do anything for the ones they love.
I’m grateful for everything you’ve ever given me and done for me, and hope that one day I can do the same for you. I want to give you the world and everything you deserve for being such an incredible person.
Love Always,


Friday, June 13, 2014

DIY Rainbow Chalk

Found this on Pinterest, we will be doing this on Monday. I'm pretty excited about it. Here's the ingredients!


 Mix up a paste with:
food coloring, and

For Father's Day, we did a lot of fun crafts today. So you Daddy's out there will get these next week! I had to show them off on my walls first! Jack knew exactly what these were so I must of done a good job designing them!

Of course we couldn't forget about our sports so this one is for our Dad's that enjoy a good round of golf! 

This cute little guy visited us from the Little Lambs Classroom today. He really loved sitting at the table watching his friends interact. 

Congratulations to Lola! She has been pronouncing "Becky" all day today. And is quite excited about it!

Our Cutest Moments:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sprinkler Fun!

We got out the sprinkler on Wednesday for water play. We loved playing in the swimming pools and splashing in the water table, but Lola especially loved the sprinkler! 

Our Cutest Moments: