Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday Fun!


We made some new changes to our room! Be sure to check out the bulletin board!
This morning we took the toddlers out to the big playground since they were following directions so well. We pushed them on the swings, let them climb up on the little playground with Miss Abbie while I guarded every inch to make sure they got down the slide safety and got to ride on a few rocking toys. I wish we had more climbing and swings on our playground but we will just make note each week to go do these fun activities with them instead.

With our older toddlers we are working on sitting on the potty and reading some potty books. Today we took off their diapers and told them to go throw them away in the garbage then made them bring us a new clean diaper. We are working on learning to pull down our pants for potty time. This is something that the 2 year old classroom works on during potty training.


Our Cutest Moments:


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