Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lets Go Outside and Play!

We love playing in the dirt and woodchips outside !!! It promotes physical, cognitive, and social development. The Toddlers use their large muscles to dig, pour, sift, and scoop up the dirt.  They also develop hand-eye coordination when exploring these activities.

This week we are learning about the color Purple! We will practice saying the word and doing many activities involving purple type things.

This afternoon we were busy ripping up purple paper. I got a few looks like, "really, it's ok if I rip it and you won't be mad at me". They did really good, and in the end I threw up all the purple paper into the air and we watched it float down to the ground. Tomorrow we will get to glue it down to our papers.
Outdoor play is important for children every day!  It not only provides more exercise opportunities, it also enhances and expands the their environment for learning!
Our Cutest Moments:


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