Saturday, May 9, 2015

Ways You Know You're a Toddler Teacher

I would just like to say it's pretty neat to have one week dedicated to teachers let alone childcare teachers. I love my job as a Toddler Teacher, I love those kiddos as if they were my own! And Thanks for all the special gifts you are all so thoughtful! :)
Ways you Know You're a Toddler Teacher...
1. You print more pictures of the young children in your class than your own family.
2. You wonder how pacifiers, crayons, and Legos end up in your laundry every week.
3. You deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for the arguments you’ve mediated and tantrums you’ve redirected.
4. You can find 20 ways to use empty yogurt containers as learning materials.
5. You wash your hands at least 30 times a day.
6. You recite from Goodnight Moon! and Llama Llama when conversation lags at a dinner party.
7. You sing random kids songs to yourself while in the shower.
8. You explain to parents in the park how much their kids are learning when they dig in the dirt.
9. You can count a group of toddlers in 5 seconds.
10. You know that even though your paycheck does not reflect the work that you do, you go to bed at night knowing that you are shaping the world and wake up every morning with your superhero cape.

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