Friday, August 1, 2014

My Trip to San Francisco!

Well, my Dad made his goal in San Francisco to qualify for the Boston marathon. He did very well he ran in 3 hours and 47 minutes. He even stopped halfway through the marathon to give my Mom a kiss! He said the weather was great to run in, low 50's and light wind. I loved spending time in San Francisco fun places to explore but I have to say my favorite city is Boston, so I'm looking forward to going in April!

The good thing about this trip was that I did not get air sick, sea sick or car sick! That is a huge record for me. Although I think the trick was my air sickness medicine, chewing ginger gum, ginger oil behind my ears and positive thinking that I was just fine. 

We visited Napa Wine Country! It was a lot of fun sampling white and red wines. We learned a lot about wine making, the grapes and had fun on the tour bus sipping wine and sampling cheeses with our Australia and European friends! 

We took a bus ride to explore different parts of California where we saw giant squirrels and a million sea lions. It was so beautiful and the weather was awesome because of no humidity!  

We took a audio boat ride to visit Alcatraz! It was very interesting and we got very up close and personal to take some fun pictures. I wish we could have gone inside but it is completely booked up till September, it's that popular!  

We stayed on Fisherman's Wharf where it was just beautiful. We ate clam chowder everyday and got to experience fried squid, shrimp and lots of fish and chips. 

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