Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Happy Birthday to Lola!!!

We celebrated Lola's 2nd birthday today! Although they may not remember their birthdays I still like to make it a fun day for all my toddlers on their special day! We opened presents first, I think she liked her book!!! 

We all made handprint birthday cakes, that's all Lola talked about today was birthday cake! 

We all put on party hats and sang happy birthday to Lola. As you can see in the video some of the toddlers weren't' quite sure about their hats.

It would't be a party with out some noise makers, quite a few of the toddlers were great about making sounds with them! 

We had to say good-bye to Lola for a little bit while she visited the 2's this afternoon. We had fun sticking red and green shapes to our windows again. They love this activity, I was showing them how to make Christmas tree's. 

Our Cutest Moments:

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