Monday, December 22, 2014

Rainy Day Fun!

This is our first time doing this with our younger toddlers. Lola remembered because she loved trying to paint every inch of the foil while I was cleaning up! I taught them to paint their bellies with the lotion, they even painted my whole arm. As you can see they are loving rubbing the lotion onto their friends bellies. We will always take a donation of a bottle of lotion. I just used what I had on stock.

Our Snowflakes, yes I also did one! 

Anytime anyone has their shoes off in the baby bears room the toddlers automatically think that the shoes are theirs and try and wear them. I caught these two wanting to wear my boots. They thought they were pretty cool in them!

Our Cutest Moments:


  1. No wonder alice was so interested in the lotion at home today! So cute!

  2. Lucy, Email me I have some other cute pictures of Alice I took that day as well.
