Monday, November 17, 2014

Brrr. It's cold outside

Mason has officially moved to the 2 year old classroom. He is the last child I have with me since infancy. I've seen him grow so much in the last 2 years. I feel fortunate to have watched him grow up. I have been working on the DVD slideshow for a good-bye gift. 

This freezing weather is not what I signed up for when  I was bragging that I wanted to snow, mainly snow to play in with the kiddo's outside. I don't know if we will even go outside at all this week, if we do it might be Friday. So please bring these winter items to store in your child's cubby: winter coat, snow boots, mittens (2) in case they get wet., hat. We will also be bringing in snow in the sensory tubs this week too! 

Side Note: We will be finger painting with chocolate pudding on Thursday instead. I forgot to pick up the pudding.

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