Friday, November 21, 2014

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble says the Turkey...

Well these cute little hand print turkeys took me all of nap time to create. It was quite difficult really but I do have to say they are pretty cute on my door! I even had to make myself one!

You might wonder why the baby bears have on different colored mittens. Well that is because we went outside this morning and they got all wet. This is why I ask for 2 sets of mittens, but not to worry dollar tree has these great mittens and they are longer so they will actually roll up over their coats. You might want to just check out if your out this weekend. They are very warm too!

This was my project that I stayed up until midnight working on these last night. It was actually easy putting them together it was the cutting that I dreaded. These will be yours next Wednesday to take home for Thanksgiving.

All week we have been reading this book called "10 fat turkeys" well apparently today, Chance doesn't like it, and fusses every time I try and read it. Sorry buddy, soon we will have Christmas books on our bookshelf!

After nap time I change diapers and I ask them to go get some books so we can read. I was filling out their daily sheets and I looked over and saw them all sitting quietly reading together. It melted my heart!

Today Theo was our dancing boy every time I turned on the music throughout the day Theo was right there dancing. That boy has some cute dancing moves! 

Our Cutest Moments:

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